W3 2008-10-29 (撒上6:1-7:17)
經文: 撒母耳記上 6:19
默想: 親愛的主!伯示麥人並沒有從非利士人在約櫃上所遭遇的事情學到敬畏耶和華的功課。求主幫助我,能夠在唸聖經的時候,從別人的經歷也可以學會寶貴的屬靈功課。
題目: 你對於伯示麥的祭司與占卜者用來鑑別他們遭遇是偶然或神顯的方法有何意見?
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回覆刪除草戊尚土 牧師,平安:
回覆刪除我的感覺是有點像在擲銅板來決定是不是 神的意思,大頭就是 神的旨意,一元就不是,這和台灣民間信仰的筊杯是一樣的。只是令我覺得比較不好意思的,雖然我已經受洗成為基督徒,但是有時也會用類似的方法來禱告。
卯同學 敬上
Dear all, Peng An,
回覆刪除Throwing a coin was using chance as a way to discern the will of God. Yet the Philistines were using something very interesting. They would like to make sure that some supernatural power was involved in all these disasters happening after they caught the ark of the covent from the Israelite people. So that design a way to use the natural love of a cow to her newborn baby to help them discern their concern and questions. Creative and wise.