2010年2月1日 星期一

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 100203


W3 2010-02-03 (代上3:1-3:24)

經文: 歷代志上 3:17 耶哥尼雅被擄。

默想: 雅哥尼雅被擄,這一句短短的經文,道盡了猶大國的滄桑。我們看見大衛從羊群中被耶和華選召,成為合神心意的牧君,牧養帶領以色列民。那裡料想得到,這樣的恩典,卻在傳到雅哥尼雅這一代,成為國王家破,被擄異鄉的結局。主啊!求你教導我,如和培養帶領敬虔的兒女,免得你的呼召與恩典,逐漸的從蒙恩的家族中失落了。

題目: 你對於本段經文中所描述大衛的家庭,以及先知拿單對大衛的責備 (撒下12:8-9),有何感想呢?

3 則留言:

  1. God tells David through Nathan all that he possesses (his riches) He has given to him. God will even add to David's riches. David's problem is that his possessions have come to own him. He wants “more” and “more,” and so he begins to take what isn’t his to take, rather than to ask the divine Giver of all he has.

    So we should remind ourselves of not ceasing to humbly acknowledge God as the Giver of all we possess. David has not only ceased to look to God to provide him with all his needs -- and his desires but also has disobeyed God's commands by committing adultery and murder.

  2. 大衛的妻子真的很多,就如先知所言,上帝是加倍的賜給他,而他卻還在六位妻妾之後,又去奪取烏利亞之妻,人有了權勢之後,真的很容易忘本。

  3. 大家平安



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