King David and Solomon discussed Temple Building
W3 2010-06-02 (代上28:1-28:21)
經文: 歷代志上 28:9 我兒所羅門哪,你當認識耶和華你父的神,誠心樂意地事奉他;因為他鑒察眾人的心,知道一切心思意念。你若尋求他,他必使你尋見;你若離棄他,他必永遠丟棄你。
默想: 年老的大衛王殷殷交待年輕的所羅門王,要認識耶和華,誠心樂意事奉他,用心尋求他。如此,就可以終生蒙神的帶領保守與施恩祝福。求主幫助我,這一生能夠誠心樂意事奉主,殷勤尋求認識神,也能夠將這些屬靈的功課殷勤教導我的肉身與屬靈的每一個兒女。
題目: 大衛王如何參與聖殿的建造呢?
David assembled all the officials of Israel to let them know his vision of the temple as a place of rest for the Lord (1Ch 28: 1-10). He also gave his son Solomon the plans for the design of the temple (11-19). Finally, he encouraged Solomon to be strong and courageous in doing the work (20-21).
回覆刪除The belief that he held is “…the Lord searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts” (9). Though he could not be the one who took charge of building a house for His Name, he engaged himself in the construction work in the way that the Lord would be pleased with.
Most of all, in addition to absolute confidence, thorough preparation and planning is still necessary to fulfill a holy mission.
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
卯同學 敬上
「代上 28:19 大說、這一切工作的樣式(pattern, mold)、都是耶和華用手劃出來、使我明白的。」大衛先向上帝尋求並獲得建造聖殿的藍圖!