2010年12月5日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101210

How Long, O Lord?

W5  2010-12-10 (哈1:1-2:11)

經文: 哈巴谷書 1:11 他以自己的勢力為神,像風猛然掃過,顯為有罪。
默想: 當上帝賞賜給人各種能力與恩賜時,人往往會因為這些上帝所賞賜的能力與恩賜而驕傲自誇,以自己的勢力為神,並且對於比他軟弱的人,毫無憐恤的心,常常像狂風猛然掃過,不留餘地。求主保守我,當領受到你所賞賜的能力與恩典時,會心存感激與謙卑,會拿這些能力與恩賜來幫助與服侍軟弱欠缺的人。

3 則留言:

  1. The Babylonians sinned because they were puffed up (Hab 2: 4-8), built their realm by unjust gain (2: 9-11), establish a city with bloodshed and crime (2:12), were exposed in drink (2:15:17), and made idols (2:18-20).

    The righteous will live by his faith. The Babylonians betrayed the Lord and would definitely suffer punishment. Sometimes it takes patience to see them fail since the revelation to a prophet awaits an appointed time.

  2. 大家平安




  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    "For lo, I am rousing the Chalde'ans, that bitter and hasty nation, who march through the breadth of the earth, to seize habitations not their own."

    God will not erase all bad men or bad things in the world. On the contrary, God will raise those men and things for His purposes. I believed the purpose is to glory God. Just like the light in a dark room to make things become clear. Follow this light, we also can check ourselves is clean or not.
    May Lord help me to find out my problems from outer others and from inner Holy Spirit.



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