2011年2月14日 星期一

全新樂活讀經默想 110217

Massacre at Shechem

W4  2011-02-17 (創34)

經文: 創世紀 34:14 對他們說:「我們不能把我們的妹子給沒有受割禮的人為妻,因為那是我們的羞辱。

默想: 雅各的孩子使用冠冕堂皇的宗教藉口,來欺騙示劍城的哈抹與他的兒子示劍,以及示劍全城的男子,讓他們同時接受割禮,再趁機將他們殺光。求主幫助我,不要假藉敬虔的外貌,卻做出傷天害理的行為。
題目: 在「底拿事件」中,雅各的兒子們的作為為何?雅各的反應為何?你有何看法與省思?

3 則留言:

  1. When Jacob heard that Shechem had defiled his daughter Dinah, he held peace until his sons came back from the field. The sons of Jacob were indignant and very angry, so they decided to revenge and deceive Shechem and his father Hamor.

    But in fact, what they did was no better than Schechem, and they even brought trouble on Jacob by making him odious to the inhabitants of the land. Why Jacob kept silence in the beginning might be because he needed some time to think. Yet he could have prevented his sons from adopting the strategy of “an eye for an eye” but he didn’t. That’s what I was unable to figure out.

  2. 在「底拿事件」中,雅各的兒子們的作為為何?雅各的反應為何?你有何看法與省思?

  3. 雅各的生命雖然被上帝重新塑造,但是他的兒女似乎仍活在撒旦的世界中。




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