The Staff of Moses Turned Into Snake
經文: 出埃及記 4:2-4, 17 耶和華對摩西說:「你手裡是什麼?」他說:「是杖。」耶和華說:「丟在地上。」他一丟下去,就變作蛇;摩西便跑開。耶和華對摩西說:「伸出手來,拿住他的尾巴,他必在你手中仍變為杖…你手裡要拿這杖,好行神蹟。」
默想: 耶和華將摩西手中那根牧羊人所使用的杖,變成一根行神蹟的杖。甚至摩西第一次看到這根杖的神奇能力,也會害怕躲避。當我們願意順服上帝的差遣時,上帝便可以將我們原來所擁有平凡的能力,加上上帝無限的恩典,而能夠彰顯上帝的權能與榮耀。親愛的主啊!幫助我願意把平凡的自己全然奉獻,交在你全能的手中,好讓你無窮的恩典,能夠透過我這個平凡的器皿,彰顯你的權能與榮耀。
題目: 4:1-17上帝給摩西的兩個憑證是什麼?摩西的回應是什麼?對於摩西的反應你有何看法與感想?是否也有同樣的經驗呢?
The two miraculous signs the Lord showed to Moses are the staff and his recovery from leprosy. The purpose of showing the signs to Moses is to assure him of the Lord’s continuous company in the completion of his mission.
回覆刪除When the Lord assigns one to undertake a task, He will definitely equip him/her with required expertise or skills. For example, before I started to develop the habit of writing the daily devotion, I was afraid that some questions might be too difficult to answer. Thank God for His opening my eyes and mind so that an inspiration or a fresh idea would always flash through my brain.
Moses didn’t think he could be able to fulfill the mission given by the Lord since he was not eloquent. The Lord arranged his brother Aaron the Levite as the spokesman for him. Thus, we don’t need to worry about the insufficiency of our ability. The Almighty God has paved a way for us.
當上帝指示我們該做甚麼事,卻常常發現自己的能力有所不足,由摩西與上帝對話的這個例子我們可以看見上帝有絕對的主權,並且祂是賜能力的 神,我們應該謙卑的將自己的軟弱不足呈在上帝面前,求上帝賜智慧能力,並竭力去做,而不是選擇‘逃避’這條一時之間看似比較輕省的路 。
..The LORD gives Moses a rod which can became a snake.
回覆刪除..Morse put his hand into bosom, whose hand covered with white spots; again, he put his hand into bosom, whose hand recovered health.
..Sometimes our faith is not enough so we don’t think we can do it. I hope the LORD can give me sufficient faith and I can follow his order to do everything.
摩西並沒有質疑「領以色列人出埃及」的必要性,他只是覺得自己不足以勝任該職務,後者正是神要摩西經歷的--not Moses but God!由這段歷史學習到:我們要能體會到神要做的事,並且認清、相信「我們是空器皿」,神要透過我們「彰顯莫大的能力」。多數的我們由神所領受的任務,不像摩西的那樣艱鉅,但求神幫助我能在"小事"上忠心,並且學習到每個階段神所教導我的事。