The Plague of Hail
經文: 出埃及記 9:16-17 其實,我叫你存立,是特要向你顯我的大能,並要使我的名傳遍天下。你還向我的百姓自高,不容他們去嗎?
默想: 耶和華向法老施恩,使法老存立,目的是要藉著法老彰顯耶和華的大能,使耶和華的名傳遍天下,但是法老卻因此自高自大,仗勢欺負以色列民。求主幫助我,當我蒙神特別恩典時,能夠存著感恩謙卑的心,幫助需要幫助的人,而不是自高自大,甚至欺負弱勢者。
題目: 9:27-35 在雹災之後,法老王的反應與先前有何異同之處?你有何學習與提醒?
回覆刪除「法老見雨和雹與雷止住,就越發犯罪;他和他的臣僕都硬著心。」(9:34) 所以原先的"悔改"是假的囉?「法老打發人召摩西、亞倫來,對他們說:『這一次我犯了罪了。耶和華是公義的;我和我的百姓是邪惡的。』」(9:27)
The Pharaoh said to Moses and Aaron, "I have sinned this time; the LORD is in the right, and I and my people are in the wrong.” When he saw what the hail, thunder and rain was all stopped, he and his officials remained as stubborn as ever.
回覆刪除Although the Pharaoh was still hardened, he began to think that he might be wrong.
The LORD always uses any method to let me know what our mistake is, and give us the chance to admit it.
回覆刪除由此我們可以看出,承認自己有罪,不等於悔改;承認自己有罪之後,還可能心裏剛硬如同法老一樣「越發犯罪」,陷入一個與 神更隔絕的地步。求 神不要任我們一錯再錯,而當 神管教,也應學習虛心接納,並努力改正。
In order to stop the hails from falling again, Pharaoh lied to Moses that he would let the Israelites go if Moses entreated the Lord for him. Moses did, but Pharaoh and his servants still hardened their hearts. The Lord is willing to give people opportunities to repent, yet when one rebels and sins again and again, s/he has to suffer the