2011年5月14日 星期六

全新樂活讀經默想 110518

The Ear of A Slave Pierced

W3  2011-05-18 (出21)

經文: 出埃及記 21:17 咒罵父母的,必要把他治死。

默想: 上帝吩咐摩西,交給以色列人的十誡當中的第五誡,是要孝敬父母,使你的日子在耶和華你神所賜給你的地上得以長久。這是一條帶著祝福應許的正面誡命。從反面來看,一旦咒罵父母罪證確切,則是唯一死刑。我不知道這一條律法,在以色列人漫長的歷史當中的實際執行情況如何。我也不知道,這一條律法是否讓以色列人的親子關係,比其他的種族更為美滿。我更不知道,這一條誡命,只是在當代時空文化下的律法,或是這是上帝所頒佈,放諸四海皆準的永恆真理。親愛的主,求你教導我,知道如何來瞭解與詮釋摩西五經中的許多律法。

題目: 211-11 上帝要立約的以色列百姓如何對待僕婢?其中的原則為何?

4 則留言:

  1. The Ten Commandments:
    1.You shall have no other gods before me.
    2.Do not make for yourselves imagines of anything.
    3.You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
    4.Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
    5.Respect your father and mother, so that you may live a long time in the land that I am giving you.
    6.Do not commit murder.
    7.Do not commit adultery.
    8.Do not steal.
    9.Do not accuse anyone falsely.
    10.Do not desire anything that others own.

    Actually,I have stuck it in my notebook and read it everyday.
    I hope the LORD can help me follow all the commandments in my life.


  2. The Lord wished the Israelites to treat their slaves in a humane way. The Hebrew slaves should not be regarded as the possessions of their owner; instead, in the seventh they shall go out free, for nothing. Bible admits the existence of slaves but never encourages slavery.

  3. This ordinance considers slaves‘ right, their couples and children. I think that’s reasonable.
    But, it might not be suitable today.


  4. 神的榮耀必須在人與人之間彰顯,神的旨意必須行在地上如同行在天上,即便是在主僕之間的互動,也能因著信仰而榮耀神。


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