Dear all, Peng An, Yeah, the theology of predestination and the theology of absolute sovereignty of God would conflict with the theology of human freedom of will. Personally I thought this might be one of the paradoxes or controversies that we might need to wait until we face our Lord, when we could ask him and learn from him directly. ( Ref. 1 Cor.13:12)
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
我想權力是可怕的,絕對的權力會使人腐化,當一個人有了權力可以決定別人死活,他便自己以為是 上帝,容不下別的 神,甚至是真正的耶和華。
卯同學 敬上
Dear all, Peng An,
回覆刪除Yeah, the theology of predestination and the theology of absolute sovereignty of God would conflict with the theology of human freedom of will. Personally I thought this might be one of the paradoxes or controversies that we might need to wait until we face our Lord, when we could ask him and learn from him directly. ( Ref. 1 Cor.13:12)