2009年6月7日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 090609

W2 2009-06-09 (約11:17-12:11)

經文: 約翰福音 11:44

默想: 主啊!我們沒有能力讓死人復活,但是,我們應該有能力幫他把裹著手腳的步與臉上的手巾解開,好讓他可以自由行走。親愛的主,你願意為我們做我們做不到的事,但是,你要邀請我們去做我們做得到的事。求主幫助我,盡自己的力量來與主同工。


5 則留言:

  1. “You will have the poor among you, but you will not always have me. (Joh 12:8)” This was intended to be a valuable teaching for Judah, since Mary was going to anoint Jesus and claimed He was Messiah in public. Unfortunately Judah later betrayed to Jesus for merely 30 dollars.

    Jesus did not say we should do something luxurious for God without caring about the poor. Under such circumstances, He must have felt kind of disappointed about the fact that He was rejected in the world. How anxious He would be to convey God’s messages and to free people from their sin! May God help me remove from me my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh. Amen!

  2. 香膏是為了安葬而預備的,但是門徒當時並不了解這意義。

  3. 大家平安


  4. 草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:


    卯同學 敬上

  5. Dear All, Peng An,
    For me, this was one of the enigmatic saying of Jesus Christ. What is the relationship between the poor and the Lord?
    Sometimes our Lord seemed to identify himself completely with the poor. But here our Lord seemed to try to differentiate himself from the poor.


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