2009年7月26日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 090727

W1 2009-07-27 (利3:1-4:21)

經文: 利未記 4:3



4 則留言:

  1. 大家平安



  2. The difference might not lie in how the offering went on but in what was offered. The animals to be sacrificed varied to the position or status of the sinner.

    The priest offered a bullock. The whole congregation offered a bullock. The leader or ruler offered a male goat. A member of the community offered a female goat. The offering required by God from the priest and the whole congregation were equal, for in God’s eyes the sin committed by the priest was as large as that committed by the whole congregation.

    If a man serving in an official organization sins, he can lead the whole congregation astray. High position, like an anointed priest, means high responsibility.

  3. 草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:

    不是很清楚這裡獻祭儀式的不同所代表的意義,有時我也會不明白為什麼每一種宗教都有很多儀式,要在什麼時候做用哪種動物來祭祀,要用哪些器具來作哪些動作,彷彿每個細節都像是我們在工廠作業的標準程序(SOP),不能有任何一個地方出錯(MO, miss operation),不然整個產品就得報廢。

    或許這裡所獻的贖罪祭,也是因為產品不同所以程序上不會一樣,在上帝的眼裡祭司可能屬於高階製程的產品,可容許的誤差是很小的,百姓是屬於一般製程的產品,可以接受的誤差較大。但是,如果真的發生異常,可以把產品補救回來嗎?一般而言,有些製程是允許重製 rework,但是這裡要決定報廢或是重製的條件是必須由客戶來制定的。

    還是不清楚儀式的 卯同學 敬上

  4. Dear all, Peng An,
    Here Moses enlisted the different animals which should be offered when different people committed the sin.
    It seemed to me God would treat the priest as most important or serious as representing the whole group of people. Then the leaders, then the ordinary people. Thus I would agree with your observations, that our position or role would have different impact or influence on the people. Ref. James 3:1.


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