W4 2009-07-30 (詩79:1-80:19)
經文: 詩篇 79:10 為何容外邦人說他們的神在那裡呢?
默想: 親愛的主啊!求你保守我的生命與生活,好讓外邦人看見,就不會問我這個令我傷心難過的問題:你的神在那裡呢?讓他們知道,我所敬拜的神,住在我的心裡,住在我的家。
題目: 從埃及挪出一棵葡萄樹是什麼呢? 籬笆呢? 野豬呢?
經文: 詩篇 79:10 為何容外邦人說他們的神在那裡呢?
默想: 親愛的主啊!求你保守我的生命與生活,好讓外邦人看見,就不會問我這個令我傷心難過的問題:你的神在那裡呢?讓他們知道,我所敬拜的神,住在我的心裡,住在我的家。
題目: 從埃及挪出一棵葡萄樹是什麼呢? 籬笆呢? 野豬呢?
The vine (Ps 80: 8-11) is probably used as an emblem of Israel. Israel was brought out of Egypt and planted in Canaan. Her shadow covered the mountains and her branches unto the river, which describes the boundaries of the land of Promise.
回覆刪除The boar out of the wood (13) is used to illustrate the ravaging power of an oppressor of Israel, but God was well able to protect His own against all destructive forces (14-19).
Thus, though the walls were broken down and the grapes were picked (12), God would finally take the lead. That’s why He implored to His rescue from calamities.
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
卯同學 敬上
Dear all, Peng An,
回覆刪除Basically I would agree with your sharing and comment. I would agree with Mou's referring to Jesus Christ as the true vine.
About JBC's comment on the usage of boar as metaphor to describe the Gentiles, Jesus seemed to also use simular metaphor. ( Ref. Mt. 7:6)