2010年4月30日 星期五

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 100507

The Jerusalem Temple in Ezekiel's Vision

W5  2010-05-07 (結46:1-46:24)

經文: 以西結書 46:15 每早晨要這樣預備羊羔、素祭,並油為常獻的燔祭。
默想: 主啊!求你幫助我,提醒我,每一天的早晨,都要預備自己來親近你,把自己再一次獻給你。

5 則留言:

  1. ya, not a bad idea, so that the servants don't have conflict of interest with the king while he is a servant, because there is no expectation the land will be theirs when they are free cbhs1

  2. The Lord sets out the rule about a prince’s inheritance. He emphasizes that the prince’s property must be given out of his own, not out of His people (Eze 46:18). Thus we can learn that the Lord takes care of the inheritance issue from the perspective not only of the loyal party but also of the general people.

    After all, general people are the minority compared with the loyalty. His genuine compassion and considerable foresight are discerned clearly regarding the matter.

  3. 大家平安

    「王不可奪取民的產業,以致驅逐他們離開所承受的...」46:18 深願所有執政掌權者都能遵守這樣的原則。

  4. 各位兄姐,平安:

    十分懷念舊電腦的卯同學 敬上

  5. 君王與人民之土地有明確的延續規定與界限,減少給肉體或惡者試探的機會!結46:18


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