Waiting for His Return from Heaven
W2 2010-08-03 (帖前1:1 -3:13)
經文: 帖撒羅尼迦前書 2:2 我們從前在腓立比被害受辱,這是你們知道的;然而還是靠我們的神放開膽量,在大爭戰中把神的福音傳給你們。
默想: 保羅與西拉在腓立比被陷害下監,被打傷後被驅逐出境。在這種情況之下,他們不但沒有失志或抱怨,卻繼續前行,往下一個城市帖撒羅尼迦,繼續他們進行他們的旅行佈道事工,甚至建立了帖撒羅尼迦的教會。求主保守我,在我遭難遇挫時,也能夠堅持起初從主所領受的異象與使命,繼續前進,直到走完當走的路,打完當打的仗。
題目: 你認為帖撒羅尼迦的教會給眾教會留下那些美好的榜樣呢?
跟隨主的路是十字架的道路. 求主幫助普天下服事衪,為衪擺上的僕人, 勝過所有一切來自仇敵的攻擊.
回覆刪除感謝主, 最近讓我們看見我們前面有許多美好的見證人, 幾十年來為主所做的擺上. 願主興起更多的年輕人, 跟隨主走十字架的道路.
「因信心所做的工夫(work produced by faith)、因愛心所受的勞苦(labor prompted by love)、因盼望主耶穌基督所存得忍耐(endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ)」(1:3)
The Thessalonians suffered from their own countrymen the same things those churches suffered from the Jews. In spite of severe suffering, they still welcomed gospel with joy given by the Holy Spirit, so they became a model to all the believers in Macedonia and Achaia.
回覆刪除Other churches could be encouraged about them because in all their distress and persecution, they stood firm in the Lord. No one would be unsettled by trials, and they knew quite well they were destined for them. God would then strengthen their hearts so that they would be blameless and holy.
I think it is not easy to be a good Christian by abandon idol, return to God and serve God. For me, many idols (ex. money, clothes, internet, reading,…) may make me ignore the relationship with God. Moreover, I also cannot donate myself to serve God. Someone told me to be a good Christian in your daily life which can make others to believe God. May God give me such power to keeping my mind have more close relationship with God.