Asa : Good King with Bad Feet
W3 2010-08-04 (代下15:1-16:14)
經文: 歷代志下 16:10 亞撒因此惱恨先見,將他囚在監裡。那時亞撒也虐待一些人民。
默想: 亞撒王一生聽從先知的勸告,去除偶像,專一順從耶和華。可惜的是在年老時,卻依賴亞蘭王,而不是仰望耶和華,來解決他與以色列王間之爭執。當先知前來指責他時,他又不謙卑受教,竟然惱恨先知,將先知囚在監裡,甚至虐待人民。求主保守我,能夠一生遵行主道,不要晚節不保。
題目: 你對於亞撒王一生之功與過,有何感想呢?
Asa, king of Judah’s faith in the Lord waned in his last few years. Even in his illness, he did not seek help from the Lord, but only from the physicians (2Ch 16:12).
回覆刪除Man is vulnerable to Satan. It’s much more difficult to retain our confidence in the Lord than to be away from Him. “…the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him…” (16:9). May I be wise enough not to do too many foolish things and get myself into trouble!
Dear All, Peng An,
回覆刪除Someone told me the race of Christian faith is not a 100-meter dash, it is a marathon. If you want to win the race, you cannot only do well in the first 100 meters. You have to keep running in your lane even you felt down. However, you are not alone in this race. God will assign Angel to help you keep running unless you leave your lane totally.
回覆刪除1. 他高舉世界、倚靠世界用立約求和的得勝方法
2. 他看低聖殿的意義、從聖殿中拿出金銀
但從屬靈永恆的角度而言,他製造了一個真正能主宰奴役他的仇敵!!「代下 16:7 因你仰賴亞蘭王、沒有仰賴耶和華你的 神、所以亞蘭王的軍兵脫離了你的手。」
3. 日後重病時,只求醫生。
感謝上帝,聖經依然說「代下 15:17 只是邱壇還沒有從以色列中廢去‧然而亞撒的心一生誠實。」感謝上帝的恩典與慈愛!求上帝憐憫我們!