2010年10月31日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101103

Jerusalem Reconstruction Was Forced to Stop

W3  2010-11-03 (拉4:1-4:24)

經文: 以斯拉記 4:2 就去見所羅巴伯和以色列的族長,對他們說:請容我們與你們一同建造;因為我們尋求你們的神,與你們一樣。自從亞述王以撒哈頓帶我們上這地以來,我們常祭祀神。
默想: 親愛的主,所羅巴伯當年拒絕接受當地人民共同建造聖殿,以致於當地人民上告波斯王亞達薛西,波斯王下詔停止聖殿重建。這件事記載在聖經中,是要作為我們的榜樣?或是鑑戒?或是只是陳述一件歷史事件呢?如果根據後來事件的發展來看,這些當地人民所提出的參與聖殿重建的請求,可能並不是真心要來歸向耶和華,而是想要混進來攔阻聖殿的重建。主啊!幫助我在處理這方面情況時,能夠得到你的帶領與啟示。
題目: 你對於所羅巴伯拒絕讓當地人民參與聖殿重建有何看法呢?

3 則留言:

  1. 大家平安


  2. The enemies of Judah and Benjamin were not pleased that the exiles were building a temple for the Lord, so when they heard the news, they pretended to give their helping hand.

    Zerubbabel learned their impure motive so he was opposed their involvement in it. “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted, while evil men and impostors will go from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived”(2Ti 3:12).

    When we are carrying out God’s plan, follow Him but still be vigilant about facing every stiff challenge.

  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    I think rebuilding the temple of heaven father is just like to fall in love with God again. However, we lived in the world with lot of different loves. Most of people love the world more than God. That is why some people will not agree those people to love God. Actually, even some one may say he want to fall in love with God but he still love the World. Only God knows our mind is belong to God or World. May Lord keep my mind to follow you not follow the World.



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