2010年10月31日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101105

Jonah Ran In the Opposite Direction

W5  2010-11-05 (拿1:1-4:11)

經文: 約拿書 1:3 約拿卻起來,逃往他施去躲避耶和華;下到約帕,遇見一隻船,要往他施去。他就給了船價,上了船,要與船上的人同往他施去躲避耶和華。

默想: 約拿是神的僕人,耶和華的話臨到他,要差遣他前往尼尼微城去警告他們,耶和華將要對尼尼微城進行公義的審判。約拿對於尼尼微城並沒有負擔與愛心,因此,他決定要躲避耶和華。耶和華對於這樣一位不忠的僕人,竟然大費周章的興風作浪、派遣大魚將約拿專程送往尼尼微城。這是何等大的恩典。求主幫助我,讓我對於失喪的靈魂會有負擔與愛心,讓我對於上帝的託付,會有順服與忠心。


3 則留言:

  1. 大家平安



  2. 大家平安



  3. Jonah thought he could be out of the control of the Lord if he ran far away from Him. Yet he was totally wrong. His life was in the hand of the Lord, as was shown in the situation where he brought about the calamity on the troubled on the sea or where he was swallowed by a fish.

    He had a misconception that he could choose whether to follow God or not. In fact, God has absolute power and sovereignty. We cannot disobey His order. When we are granted to serve, that is the priviledge and grace from Him. Jonah must have learned a good lesson.


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