2010年11月13日 星期六

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101118

The Righteous are Bold as a Lion

W4  2010-11-18 (箴28:1-28:28)

經文: 箴言 28:9 轉耳不聽律法的,他的祈禱也為可憎。
默想: 禱告是一種親密的對話。當我們拒絕聆聽對方的心意表達時,我們自己所表達的,常常會變成各說各話,有講話卻沒有真正的溝通與互動。求主幫助我,在向上帝禱告時,也會注意聆聽上帝的聲音與啟示。
題目: 偷竊父母的,說:這不是罪,此人就是與強盜同類。你對這句經文有何看法呢?

4 則留言:

  1. Though it is hard for me to understand why a person robs his or her parents, this does happen, which can be learned from news report once in a while. This person must be greedy and foolish to a certain extent so that such an unforgivable act is carried out.

    “…he who trusts in the Lord will prosper…he who walks in wisdom is kept safe” (Pr 28:25-26). Solely depending on Him will discourage us from pursuing material extravagance.

  2. He who gives to the poor will not want, but he who hides his eyes will get many a curse.
    題目: 偷竊父母的,說:這不是罪,此人就是與強盜同類。你對這句經文有何看法呢?

  3. 大家平安






  4. Dear All, Peng An,

    "If the camel once gets his nose in the tent, his body will soon follow."

    Sometimes, we think the kid stole money from his parents is not a big crime. However, if the kid also think it is not a crime and this stealing mind will make him become a robber. We cannot ignore the small crime at the begining. We should face and fix it. May Lord help me to correct my mind and behavior even I think it is correct.



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