Jewish Festival Calendar
W1 2010-11-22 (申15:1-16:22)
經文: 申命記 16:3 你吃這祭牲,不可吃有酵的餅;七日之內要吃無酵餅,就是困苦餅,(你本是急忙出了埃及地)要叫你一生一世記念你從埃及地出來的日子。
During the Feat of Tabernacles, the Jewish people construct the sukkah, the tabernacle. Each family builds a shelter outside their house and move into it during this time. They eat there; some sleep there. The Feast of Tabernacles is a time of great rejoicing and a harvest festival. It's one of the three times the Jewish people were given a commandment by the Lord to come up to Jerusalem.
回覆刪除It speaks of the Lord's restoration and His coming and it's full of anticipation and hope and joy. It was on that day that Yeshua stood up in the temple and called to all present. So the festival is to signify their faith and hope in the fulfillment of God's promise to pour out the Holy Spirit upon His people.
Dear All, Peng An,
回覆刪除I think the main purpos of the tabernacles is to understand the love of our Lord always be with us. Actually, it is not easy to feel this love in our world, especially in the painful period. May Lord help me to build up this worship tent in my mind which is full of Your grace and truth.
回覆刪除Ans:1. 神將我們從罪惡中拯救出來進入天
2. 豫表教會
3. 時刻倚賴神的恩典而活
4. 感恩
5. 與人一起歡樂,享受神所賜美物
利未記23:43 好叫你們世世代代知道,我領以色列人出埃及地的時候曾使他們住在棚裡。我是耶和華─你們的 神。
住棚節(the Feast of Tabernacles or Succoth) 從希伯來曆7月15開始。在節日期間,猶太人必須建造一個臨時建築,在其中進餐、款待客人、休息,甚至在其中睡覺。紀念古代以色列人在離開埃及之後在曠野中漂流四十年期間所住的棚屋,並追念耶和華在這期間供養了所有猶太人的飲食。
題目: 彼得要我們跟隨基督的腳蹤行,你認為這是什麼意思呢?
回覆刪除Ans:When you do right and suffer for it, you take it patiently.