2009年3月15日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 090316

W1 2009-03-16 (出20:18-21:36)

經文: 出埃及記 20:25

默想: 主耶和華,我們的雙手所做的事情,都會沾染我們生命中的污穢。但是,你還是願意悅納我們的服侍,感謝主的恩典。

題目: 從今天的角度來看出埃及記21章的律例典章,你有何感想呢?

4 則留言:

  1. 草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:

    我想這些律例典章在今天看來似乎有些粗糙,而且感覺也有點嚴苛,但是大概也看得出 神希望人如何活,如果不這樣活那就會被定罪。

    從一開始訂定奴隸釋放的條例便是希望人能自由的活,但是自由並非任憑作惡的自由,而是要能活出 神樣式的自由,也是因為 神看重人有著 神的形象,因此當人不尊重其他人,甚至傷害別人時,便就是損害了 神的形象,這是很嚴肅的問題,除了定罪還會有公義性的追討,看來 神眷顧他所創造的人,如同手中的寶貝,不容別人傷害也不喜歡他傷害自己。


    卯同學 敬上

  2. There is no one who doesn’t love freedom, but there is one who is able to embrace freedom but would rather not be freed. Under the strict divine laws, love can be discerned between Hebrew servants and masters. If a Hebrew servant loves his master or his wife, sons, and daughters, he can choose not to go free and serve his master for life. This pictures what a Christian’s life is. The one who is saved by God secures freedom under the divine laws and is supposed to serve God sincerely and loyally.

    Regarding laws governing personal injuries, God requires us to steer the middle path, that is, to act in a way that is not extreme and that will cause least harm. “...Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.” (Ro 12:3) God emphasizes responsibility. One has to repay for others’ losses.

    …the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning… (Exo 20:20) We Christians in the modern world, though the laws govern us are different from those the Israelites had to follow, are still expected to be obedient in the kingdom of God. The content may vary, while the spirit remains.

  3. 同意卯同學的說法。

  4. Dear All, Peng An,
    I would agree with your observations that these stipulations would reflect the local cultural values which might differ from ours. When we approached the scripture from such perspective, we should understand that we were walking upon a thin ice. How to discern the eternal principle from such stipulations was a tough challenge to us all.


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