2011年1月3日 星期一

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 110104

Jesus Among Seven Lampstands

W2  2011-01-04 (啟1:1-2:29)

經文: 啟示錄 1:9 我約翰就是你們的弟兄,和你們在耶穌的患難、國度、忍耐裡一同有分,為神的道,並為給耶穌作的見證,曾在那名叫拔摩的海島上。
默想: 使徒約翰是主耶穌最親近三個使徒之一。這三位使徒的結局各不相同。根據聖經的記載,雅各是第一位為主殉道的使徒 (徒12:2)。照教會歷史的記載,彼得後來也照主耶穌的預言 (約21:18-19),被人倒釘十架而殉道。只有使徒約翰,被主耶穌保留生命,一直到年老髮白,被放逐到拔摩海島上,親眼看到並忠心記錄下來世界末了的結局,以及主耶穌再臨的異象,後來又被釋放,回到以弗所,年紀老邁,壽終正寢。親愛的主,我們每個人的生命都在你的手裡,不管你量給我的年日是長或短,求主幫助我,讓我活出一個榮耀主的見證。
題目: 你對於以弗所教會的優缺點有何感想呢?

3 則留言:

  1. 大家平安



    「起初的愛心」是甚麼呢?深願回到主施恩寶座前,尋求主對我「起初的愛心」的定義,並求主施恩,帶領我走在正軌。(What a good "new year resolution")

  2. The church in Ephesus endured patiently and bore up for the Lord’s sake, but it abandoned the love it had at first (Eph 2:3, 4). The Spirit sent out a reminder: Remember then from what you have fallen, repent and do the works you did at first. How striking it is!

    A soft heart might turn out to be hardened. We should learn wherever we dwell in, we can hold fast the Lord’s name and not deny His faith. Hopefully, we can see the morning star.

  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    Church is one important place to fight with Satan. Howevr, the most terrible thing for a Church is to abandon the love of Jesus. Then this Church will be removed by our Lord. We have to be very careful to remember this risk. On the contrary, if one Church can hear what the Spirit says to the Church, then Lord will grant to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. May Lord help our Church hear what the Spirit says to our Church.



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