2011年1月3日 星期一

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 110105

Praying For Forgiveness

W3  2011-01-05 (尼9:32-10:39)

經文: 尼希米記 9:35 他們在本國裡沾你大恩的時候,在你所賜給他們這廣大肥美之地上不事
默想: 當上帝賞賜給我們豐盛恩典時,我們要知恩、感恩、謝恩、報恩、傳恩。不要只是貪圖享恩,甚至惡行得罪神,以免像以色列人一樣,在上帝所賞賜的土地上面,成為奴僕。求主幫助我,不要濫用、誤用你所賞賜的恩典,以免將來成為這些恩典下面的奴僕。
題目: 你對於本段經文中所提到的十分之一有何感想呢?

2 則留言:

  1. The Levites who took charge of the temple and the ceremony of worshipping the Lord, so they were rewarded a tithe of Israelites’ crops. Besides, the Levites had to contribute a tenth of the tithes.

    Even though the Levites’ earning was humble, the Lord required them to contribute. Thus, we can see the fairness and exact standard from God. Whoever serves Him deserves a share that corresponds to his/her work. Dividing part of the share is one way to show gratitude.

  2. 大家平安




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