2009年5月10日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 090515

W5 2009-05-15 (耶34:8-35:19)

經文: 耶利米書 34:17

默想: 親愛的主,當我們不願意釋放我的弟兄,使其自由時,你便要向我宣告另外一種自由,就是任憑我遭受各種災禍痛苦的自由。求主幫助我,在有機會的時候,就要學習饒恕得罪我的弟兄姐妹,讓我自己與他們都能夠獲得自由,以免我將自己淪落入神任憑的可怕自由當中。 [參閱:馬太18:18-22]

題目: 你對於利甲族的表現有何感想呢?

5 則留言:

  1. God asked Jeremiah to invite the Recabites to wine because He believed that they would not drink any. They obeyed everything, their forefather Jonadab, son of Recab commanded. There are several contrasts between the Recabites and the Israelites.

    The former stuck to their leader, who would make mistakes, while the Iatter turned away from the covenant that sinless God prescribed. Jonadab commanded only once and the Recabites loyally followed him, while God ordered again and again but the Israelites were still lukewarm about it.

    The instructions that the Recabites followed entailed merely contemporary meanings, while the laws written by God were eternal. Last but not least, the Recabites were greatly blessed due to their loyalty, while disasters came down on the Israelites as a consequence of their rebellion.

    Which is an exemplar? The answer is obvious.

  2. 大家平安

    "利甲的兒子約拿達的子孫能遵守先人所吩咐他們的命,這百姓卻沒有聽從我!"35:16 利甲族因著順從遵行先人的命令,而被神使用來當正面教材,並且應許他們永遠侍奉主.



  3. 草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:




    卯同學 敬上

  4. 看這段經文,真的可以深刻地感受到神的痛心。祂說著『你們看看利甲族人,只因為先祖一個命令,就世世代代遵守到如今。而我呢?全能的神、尊貴榮耀的神。總是細心看顧你們,從早先到如今,不斷的派遣我的使者,眾多的先知來教導你們、帶領你們。你們卻是充耳不聞,甚至殺了先知。我所得到的對待竟然連一個死掉的祖先還不如……。我這個上帝作得真是委屈。

  5. Dear all, Peng An,
    I liked the way YiTing compares and contrasts between the Recabites and the Israelites. This was an incidence that Lord's people could learn from outsiders. Often we saw the idol worshippers worshipped their god with such sincerity and devotion that would make us Christian felt shameful...


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