2010年9月20日 星期一

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 100921

Outline of Titus

W2  2010-09-21 (多 & 門)

經文: 提多書 3:5 他便救了我們,並不是因我們自己所行的義,乃是照他的憐憫,藉著重生的洗和聖靈的更新。
默想: 感謝上帝的恩典,憐憫我而讓我有機會聽到福音,信靠主耶穌的寶血而得蒙救贖的恩典,經由洗禮而得到重生的喜樂。更藉著聖靈的更新而經歷成聖的過程。
題目: 你對腓利門這封信的內容有何感想呢?

4 則留言:

  1. 主給我們的快樂和益處不是要我們勉強接受。我們和主的關係是快樂的,不是勉強而來的。希望我們從主而來的益處,得好好享用,造服更多的人。

  2. 大家平安




  3. Paul was an apostle and a senior. He should have asked Philemon to treat the fleeing slave with kindness, yet he hoped that Philemon did it out of his spontaneity. Paul said, “…although in Christ I could be bold and order you to do what you ought to do, yet I appeal to you on the basis of love”(Phm 8-9). He set a good example in dealing with the argument between Christians.

    After Onesimus became a Christian, his relationship with Philemon changed. They were not a master and a slave but brothers. Thus, they were equal in the Lord. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus”(Ga 3:28). How we treat brothers and sisters reflects what attitude we hold toward the Lord.

  4. Dear All, Peng An,

    Sometimes we always wear a pair of colorful glasses to see this world. We think rich guys are better than poor guys. So, it is not easy to accept those homeless people becomes our brothers in Jesus. But, it is very easy to accept those rich people to become our brothers. That is our world. Paul understood this, and he also understood Philemon still lived in this world. So, he wants Philemon to take off this pair of colorful glasses. And he wants Philemon to be free from this world. It is intresting that Paul was not free in the jail but he is real free in his mind. And Philemon was not in the jail but his mind was in the jail. May Lord free my mind to see the truth.



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