2010年9月20日 星期一

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 100923

W4  2010-09-23 (箴20:1-20:30)

經文: 箴言 20:24 人的腳步為耶和華所定;人豈能明白自己的路呢?
默想: 親愛的主啊,我一生的腳步在你手中。我的心思意念,也在你的掌管之下。讓我明白你的心意,讓我順服你的旨意。讓我的一生,行在主的道中,完成神的託付。
題目: 你對於本段經文中有關為人作保的教導有何看法呢?

3 則留言:

  1. The financial advice the Lord gives us is that we should not put up security for others (Pr 6:1; 11:15; 17:18; 19:19; 20:16; 22:26-27). These verses are not against generosity, but against overextending one's financial resources and acting in irresponsible ways that could lead to misfortune. God wants us to assist the needy but to cover the costs of every unwise commitment indeed suffers us.

    Whether it is wise or safe to co-sign a loan for a relative or trusted friend is a tough decision. We need to be discerning, commit the situation to prayer, and follow the Lord's leading.

  2. 大家平安


  3. 經常牧師的經文,就是上帝要跟我說的話哩


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