2010年10月2日 星期六

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101008

The Lord Will Do Nothing 
Without Revealing to His Prophet

W5  2010-10-08 (摩3:1-4:13)

經文: 阿摩司書 4:12 以色列啊,我必向你如此行;以色列啊,我既這樣行,你當預備迎見你的神。

默想: 求主讓我在一生的遭遇當中,看出上帝的作為。求主也幫助我,讓我預備好迎見天父上帝。


4 則留言:

  1. For the rebellion Israel, the Lord summoned her neighboring countries Ashdod and Egypt to witness their great evil. Also, an enemy overran her land, pull down her strongholds and plunder her fortresses.

    The Lord destroyed the altars of Bethel, which means He dismissed the religious system of Israel with contempt. God tore down the houses and mansions in Israel. Yet, the Israelites were still stubborn, not willing to return to Him. Disasters such as famine, drought, blight, mildew, and plagues could not wake them up.

    The Israelites were indifferent to the signs or warnings from God so they had to face Him at the trial.

  2. 大家平安




  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    Sometimes, punishment only can change ones behavior but cannot change ones heart. The only one way to chang ones heart is to touch his heart and replace the old one with new one. It needs a lot of time for waiting. Only God can have such love to wait the man to change his heart. May Lord teach me to have such love for waiting the change.


  4. Dear All, Peng An,

    Sometimes, punishment only can change ones behavior but cannot change ones heart. The only one way to chang ones heart is to touch his heart and replace the old one with new one. It needs a lot of time for waiting. Only God can have such love to wait the man to change his heart. May Lord teach me to have such love for waiting the change.



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