2010年10月17日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101018

Not be afraid, your God is a awesome God.

W1  2010-10-18 (申7:12-8:20)

經文: 申命記 8:2 你也要記念耶和華你的神在曠野引導你這四十年,是要苦煉你,試驗你,要知道你心內如何,肯守他的誡命不肯。



4 則留言:

  1. 大家平安


  2. When we are living a comfortable life, we tend to forget who gives us everything. The Israelites’ experience of crossing the dreadful desert and entering a promising land teaches us to humble ourselves.

    Always remember that it is the Lord our God who disciplines us. If we forget Him and follow other gods, what we have will be taken away and destroyed for not obeying Him.

  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    Recently, I went to Bali island with my wife and we found there existed two different worlds in this island. One world is like the land of Canaan which located in the luxury resort hotel. Another world is like the desert which located in the poor villege. Some western people only lived inside the resort hotel and did not want to visit the outside villege. They did not want their hands and feet become dirty. Sometimes, we also only want to enjoy the beauty of Canaan and did not want to experience the difficulty of desert. However, the most unforgetable scenery cannot be found in the resort hotel. You cannot see it in the sling chair, you need to walk across the desert.


  4. 曠野經歷讓人知道,人活著不是單靠食物!


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