2010年10月22日 星期五

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101028

Golden Apple in Silver Net
W4  2010-10-28 (箴25:1-25:28)

經文: 箴言 25:2 將事隱秘乃神的榮耀;將事察清乃君王的榮耀。
默想: 將事隱秘也是榮耀,將事察清也是榮耀,這是耶和華極大的智慧。我想到母親與幼小子女間所常常玩的一個簡單的遊戲,Hide and Seek捉迷藏。母親會用手把自己的臉遮起來,然後再突然將手拿開,讓子女享受發現母親的臉再出現的快樂。這是何等甜蜜的互動。感謝主,也願意和我們玩這樣親暱的遊戲。
題目: 除去銀子的渣滓就有銀子出來,銀匠能以做器皿。你對於這句話有何感想呢?

4 則留言:

  1. 大家平安



  2. Without the dross from the silver, material for the silversmith will comes out; without the wicked from a king’s presence, his throne will be established through righteousness.

    The verse tells us that we should be free of evil influence, such as covetousness, the love of material things (Pr 28: 15-16), bribery, the tool of many lobbyists (Pr 29:4), women and alcohol, bane of many politicians and businessmen (Pr 31:1-5).

    Evil influence spreads easily. That’s why we should be careful.

  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    Sometimes, God used those people not because of their perfect purity. In contrast, God used them from their impurity. He can purify those people to be his workers because everyone is pure from His eyes.


    PS. Dear Paster Tsai, I think the game what you mention is "Pick-a-Boo", not "Hide and Seek".

  4. Without the dross from the silver, material for the silversmith will comes out; without the wicked from a king’s presence, his throne will be established through righteousness.

    The verse tells us that we should be free of evil influence, such as covetousness, the love of material things (Pr 28: 15-16), bribery, the tool of many lobbyists (Pr 29:4), women and alcohol, bane of many politicians and businessmen (Pr 31:1-5).

    Evil influence spreads easily. That’s why we should be careful.


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