2010年10月17日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 101022

God's Plumb Line

W5  2010-10-22 (摩7:14-9:15)

經文: 阿摩司書 8:11 主耶和華說:日子將到,我必命饑荒降在地上。人飢餓非因無餅,乾渴非因無水,乃因不聽耶和華的話。

默想: 以色列民由於不願聽從耶和華藉先知所啟示的話語,而陷入了屬靈的饑荒與乾渴。懇求上帝保守的心懷意念,願意常常閱讀、謹記、並遵守你在聖經中所啟示的話語。


3 則留言:

  1. The Israelites made their money from the unjust treatment of the poor and vulnerable. Also, Israel kept the New Moon and Sabbath, but only outwardly. In fact, they rejected these days appointed by God and they couldn’t wait until they were over. Besides, there was chronic corruption and cheating in the dealership. When they sold (bad) wheat, they used a small measure. When they bought or gave change, they used a large measure for the shekel.

    Summer fruit is the fruit that is ripe, and will not keep long. Just as the time is short for summer fruit, so the time was short for Israel.

  2. 大家平安


  3. 吞吃窮乏人,使困苦人衰敗


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