W3 2009-07-15 (王上10:1-11:22)
經文: 列王記上 11:4 所羅門年老的時候,他的妃嬪誘惑他的心去隨從別神,不效法他父親大衛誠誠實實地順服耶和華他的神。
默想: 所羅門王得到上帝所賞賜給他絕頂的聰明,卻不能保守自己在晚年時,繼續遵照上帝的旨意而行。祈求上帝幫助我,能夠到老也一樣尊主為大,以神為樂。
題目: 你對於所羅門王一生的經歷有何感想呢?
經文: 列王記上 11:4 所羅門年老的時候,他的妃嬪誘惑他的心去隨從別神,不效法他父親大衛誠誠實實地順服耶和華他的神。
默想: 所羅門王得到上帝所賞賜給他絕頂的聰明,卻不能保守自己在晚年時,繼續遵照上帝的旨意而行。祈求上帝幫助我,能夠到老也一樣尊主為大,以神為樂。
題目: 你對於所羅門王一生的經歷有何感想呢?
welcome back, yuze!
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
卯同學 敬上
Solomon sang in Ps (127: 1): “Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain.” Yet, his will was so weak that his wives turned his heart after their gods.
回覆刪除Only those who stand firm to the end will be saved. Our marriage, career or church service should be governed by God to the end of our day.
Dear Yuze, Peng An,
回覆刪除Whew!!! We could not read your posting due to the crash of your computer, not due to other more serious personal difficulties. Sweating, sweating.... BTW, computer brought lots of blessing to us, but we seemed to be hooked on computer and internet more and more... It looked like a cursing blessing....
King Solomon's life was recorded in the Bible unabridged and unbiased. Thus we had chance to learn from his life story. Solomon was the second child of David's unlawful wife Bathesba. Yet he received God's blessing in spite of his birthing order or status. He made a very good decision during his youth to ask God for wisdom, and not for money, power, or other privileges, and God granted his prayer. He build the temple for God, and was blessed by God on temple dedication. He enjoyed good and long life, enormous fame and huge richness... Yet, in his later days, he seemed to be influenced by his concubines, so that his faith in God was contaminated by syncretism... Let's we all pray that God would protect and guide us, all the way in our lives, till the last minute of our breath...