Dear All, Peng An, Jesus was a very good teacher and he knew how to use the parables from the daily life environment of his students. The power of the parable was that it could contain multiple layers of meaning and usually the meaning was hidden, not evident. So the student must use his speculation and imagination to decipher the possible meanings of the parable. The life experiences would often help us to revisit the same parable to get a newer and deeper level of understanding and explanation.
草戊尚土 牧師,平安:
回覆刪除謝謝 JBC 姐和 Yuze 姐的分享,對於『撒種』我比較想試著用更廣的比喻,如果福音告訴我們的是『愛神愛人』和『彼此相愛』,這『愛』的訊息其實在我很小,可能在嬰孩時期,便從父母身上感覺到了,長大後卻不知為何這感覺會漸漸模糊,對某些人反感,甚至也會和家人起衝突,心裡總有許多迷惑和私慾。
有時我覺得『撒種』可能不一定是由基督徒來做,父母或許是最先『撒種』的,但是播撒了之後卻有不同的結果,我還是祈求 主能憐憫我,知道我還像是石頭和荊棘,能給我更多聖靈的澆灌,就像您讓瞎眼得以看見,您也能讓我心中的那塊田成為好的田地。
卯同學 敬上
Dear All, Peng An,
回覆刪除Jesus was a very good teacher and he knew how to use the parables from the daily life environment of his students. The power of the parable was that it could contain multiple layers of meaning and usually the meaning was hidden, not evident. So the student must use his speculation and imagination to decipher the possible meanings of the parable. The life experiences would often help us to revisit the same parable to get a newer and deeper level of understanding and explanation.