Dear all, Peng An, I was not sure when Jacob cheated from His father Isaac the blessing what was exactly in his mind. But from reading the scripture, Gen 27:28-29, what he got from his father Isaac seemed to be only the earthly blessing of agricultural abundancy, hierarchical supremecy in family relationship, as well as protection from Yahweh. The most important blessing of Abraham, i.e. to be blessed to be a blessing to all the people was not mentioned in Isaac blessing to Jacob. This most important blessing was reconfirmed by God in Jacob's dream at Bethel (Gen 28:14).
草戊尚土 牧師,平安:
回覆刪除雅各取名毗努伊勒的意思是︰『我面對面見了 神,我的性命仍得保全。』
有時我也會想 神的愛究竟會用什麼樣的方式?
然而這可能不是 神表現祂大愛的方式,祂的愛可能像給雅各那樣摔到腿都瘸了,也可能像給約伯那樣身染惡疾、家破人亡,但是這樣的愛卻仍得著祝福,我想或許 神用祂的方式並不是我們所能想的方式吧。
卯同學 敬上
看雅各面對以掃的隊伍,也很有趣, "雅各就甚懼怕,而且愁煩"32:7,雖然如此,雅各還是做了安排..真是佩服雅各在那樣處境下,仍能理智思考,雅各的"抗壓性"應該也是源自他與神的關係吧!
"那人說:天黎明了,容我去吧!雅各說:你不給我祝福,我就不容你去"32:26 。雅各又再一次緊抓神的祝福不放..
2008年8月20日 上午 7:50
Dear all, Peng An,
回覆刪除I was not sure when Jacob cheated from His father Isaac the blessing what was exactly in his mind. But from reading the scripture, Gen 27:28-29, what he got from his father Isaac seemed to be only the earthly blessing of agricultural abundancy, hierarchical supremecy in family relationship, as well as protection from Yahweh. The most important blessing of Abraham, i.e. to be blessed to be a blessing to all the people was not mentioned in Isaac blessing to Jacob. This most important blessing was reconfirmed by God in Jacob's dream at Bethel (Gen 28:14).