W4 2009-04-16 (詩55:1-56:13)
經文: 詩篇 56:8
默想: 感謝主,你顧念我的流離,你瞭解我的痛楚,你紀念我的困苦。主啊!我這一生,要更緊緊的倚靠你的帶領與保守,來走過我人生的旅途。
題目: 對大衛而言,城市與曠野有何不同的意義呢?
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For David, the desert was his place of shelter while the city was filled with destructive forces. His enemy brought down suffering upon him so he fled far away from the tempest and storm.
回覆刪除However, it’s God that could turn the desert into pools of water and the parched ground into flowing springs;… (Ps 107:35) There are reasons why David wasn’t afraid.
God was merciful to him. (Ps 56:1)
God is trustworthy. (Ps 56: 3-4; 10-11)
In God, whose words he praised. (Ps 56:4)
God can be turned to for help. (Ps 56:7-9)
Offering can be presented to God. (Ps 56:12)
He might walk before God in the light of life. (Ps 56:13)
Who doesn’t want such shelter from God?
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
我想曠野應該是一個遠離塵囂可以親近 神的地方,耶穌也曾多次到曠野禱告,在天還沒亮的時候,在眾人推擠尋求醫治的時候,在決定十二使徒之前,到了曠野去沈澱自己的思緒,讓自己能清楚的聽到 神微小的聲音。
卯同學 敬上
Dear All, Peng An,
回覆刪除We would need both our cities and deserts. In the cities, we would learn how to deal with daily interpersonal interactions and relationships. In the deserts, we would learn how to deal with our inner life and our relationship with our heavenly father.
Let's pray that our Lord would teach us how to live in our cities and how to live in our deserts...