W1 2009-09-14 (利12:1-13:28)
經文:利未記 12:8 他的力量若不夠獻一隻羊羔,他就要取兩隻斑鳩或是兩隻雛鴿,一隻為燔祭,一隻為贖罪祭。祭司要為他贖罪,他就潔淨了。
題目: 你對於祭司查看大痲瘋的手續有何看法?
經文:利未記 12:8 他的力量若不夠獻一隻羊羔,他就要取兩隻斑鳩或是兩隻雛鴿,一隻為燔祭,一隻為贖罪祭。祭司要為他贖罪,他就潔淨了。
題目: 你對於祭司查看大痲瘋的手續有何看法?
The Lord appointed Aaron the priest or one of his sons who was a priest to examine if a person came down with an infectious skin disease. The priest was in charge of the health of the people at that time, so anyone who suffered from the disease had to be in isolation until he/she was pronounced clean.
回覆刪除In Scripture, the infectious skin disease is often compared to the crime or the sin. The crime or the sin is infectious and harmful, and it will isolate people from the Lord. Prevention is better than cure. No wonder the Lord takes it so seriously.