2010年9月27日 星期一

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 100930

King's Heart in the Hand of the Lord

W4  2010-09-30 (箴21:1-21:31)

經文: 箴言 21:2 人所行的,在自己眼中都看為正;惟有耶和華衡量人心。
默想: 親愛的上帝,我也是人,也會同樣有自以為義的傾向,但是對於自己心底深處的潛意識陰暗面,卻常常無所自覺。求聖靈光照我的心靈深處,好讓一切的黑暗邪惡心思意念,都能夠被光照顯明,好讓我有機會更清楚瞭解自己,並且有機會改變與成長。
題目: 本段經文教導我們,要避免那些惡呢?

4 則留言:

  1. We should not be arrogant for haughty eyes and a proud heart-- the tillage of the wicked is sin (Pr 21:4). Fortune ought not be made by a lying tongue (5). In addition, one is advised to pay attention to his tongue since quarreling has to be avoided (9, 23).

    A person is required to cultivate the virtue of empathy so that his ear to the cry and call of the needed will not be shut (13). Loving pleasure brings about suffering (17). If one isn’t righteous, he may serve as ransom for the just (18).

    Keep industrious; otherwise, the sluggard’s propensity slays the lazy person (25). Don’t be too greedy or be consumed with avarice all the day (26). Besides, never serve as a false witness because it will lead to perishing (28).

    If one wants to find life and honor, pursue justice and kindness and then sin will not knock his door.

  2. 大家平安


  3. 眼高心傲、褻慢的人、塞耳不聽窮人哀求的、愛宴樂的、好酒愛膏油的、懶惰的人、作假見證的

  4. Dear All, Peng An,

    Evil is existed in everywhere in current world. The most terrible thing of evil is to live into ones heart from small thing. It is not easy to find them except people return to see his heart. That’s why someone looks right and well-behavior, but he still can do evil things in underground. Pride, greedy, selfish, anger ….etc, they are the little evils which can fully occupy ones heart eventually. May Lord help me to look into my heart and clear those evils.



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