Building City Wall and Guarding City Gate
W3 2010-12-22 (尼7:1-7:73)
經文: 尼希米記 7:2 我就派我的弟兄哈拿尼和營樓的宰官哈拿尼雅管理耶路撒冷;因為哈拿尼雅是忠信的,又敬畏神過於眾人。
默想: 尼希米帶領被擄歸回的猶太人完成重建城牆之後,就安排管理耶路撒冷城的人選,同時交待要如何看守城牆的安全。求主幫助我,在和平教會新堂重建完成之後,也能夠安排好管理新堂的人選與方法。
題目: 尼希米在城牆重建完成之後,感覺有上帝的感動,要數點百姓,你認為可能是為何目的呢? (參閱尼7:4, 11:1)
The Lord put it into Nehemiah’s heart to assemble the nobles, the officials and the common people for registration who had been the first to return. The main reason is that the city was large and spacious but the population in the city Jerusalem was too small. Besides, the houses had not yet been rebuilt. During the construction period, manpower is the most precious property for a country.
Dear All, Peng An,
回覆刪除“The city was wide and large, but the people within it were few and no houses had been built.”
After we rebuilt the relationship with God, we may find there were a lot of ourselves problems. And those problems may break the relationship with God again. To minimize the impact of those problems, the better way is to increase more goodness fruits in our mind. We can review our daily words, behaviors and minds to keep the good ones. It may be helpful to enhance our relationship with God.