2011年5月10日 星期二

全新樂活讀經默想 110513

Jethro Meets Moses

W5 2011-05-13 (18)

經文: 出埃及記 18:23 你若這樣行,神也這樣吩咐你,你就能受得住,這百姓也都平平安安歸回他們的住處。

默想: 摩西是耶和華所親自挑選的僕人,以色列人是上帝的選民。摩西的岳父葉忒羅是外邦米甸人的祭司。但是,摩西在帶領以色列人上面,似乎有他的盲點而不自知。耶和華這次並不是直接向摩西啟示,而是藉著外邦米甸的祭司來提醒並建議摩西,要挑選並栽培同工,並要適度分層授權。求主幫助我,能夠有一顆謙卑學習的心。

題目: 18:8-12 摩西與葉忒羅之間的對話,有何提醒與學習?

3 則留言:

  1. Moses' father-in-law taught him how to manage Israelites, and he is humble to follow his father-in-law’s comment. The Church is as our own another home; this still need cooperate with and help one another.

  2. Jethro rejoiced in God's goodness and offered sacrifices to Him (Ex
    18:9-12). He also taught Moses how to administer justice to a large
    group of people (Ex18:13-24). To Moses, he was a true friend as well as a mentor, an example of excellence in in-lawing.

  3. 大家平安

    18:24 於是,摩西聽從他岳父的話,按著他所說的去行。




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