2011年6月26日 星期日

全新樂活讀經默想 110629

St. Paul Spoke Before Sanhedrin

W3  2011-06-29 (徒22)

經文: 使徒行傳 22:7 我就仆倒在地,聽見有聲音對我說:『掃羅!掃羅!你為什麼逼迫我?』

默想: 掃羅熱心侍奉耶和華的努力,卻變成逼迫主耶穌的後果。這是因為掃羅對於耶和華的認識有了偏差而不自知。由此可見,在沒有真認知基礎上面的大發熱心,可能導致相反的結果。但是,上帝卻驗中掃羅的熱心服侍的心志,選擇在大馬色城門口直接向掃羅啟示,讓他肉身的眼睛暫時失明,好打開掃羅屬靈的眼光。掃羅的生命從此有了一百八十度的大轉變。祈求上帝光照啟示,打開我屬靈的眼光,讓我越來越認識我所侍奉的上帝。

題目: 保羅如何向耶路撒冷的百姓作見證?他們的反應為何?你有何看法與提醒?

3 則留言:

  1. Saul shared with others though he was a faithful follower of the Lord then, he used to be a prosecutor who oppressed those who believed in Christian. Yet the crowd didn’t focus on how he changed but on his past wrongdoings. They even wanted to kill him.

    Not everyone can accept the gospel. So whoever is devoted to it must be psychologically stable enough so as not to be disappointed too far. As for the listeners, as long as they don’t open their mind, hardly will they access the grace from the Lord.

  2. Paul told of his conversion and preached to the gentiles. But Lord said to him, “Hurry and leave Jerusalem quickly, the people here will not accept your witness about me.”
    The people started shouting at the top of their voices, “Away with him! Kill him!”

    When Paul described about his guilty, the people were just angry. But, he has recognized his guilty in front of the Lord. So Paul continued defending himself.

  3. 保羅向耶路撒冷的百姓見證如何因著神而重新認識神,但是對於以人的眼光來認識神的人卻是無法接受,因為那樣的見證就推翻了人所建立的神,也違背了人所遵行的教條。


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