W2 2008-11-25 (路5:1-6:11)
經文: 路加福音 5:5
默想: 親愛的主啊!我們的理性與經驗往往會成為我們聽從你命令的攔阻。彼得當天與你的對話顯出彼得能夠跨越他理性與經驗的限制,而願意謙卑順服你的話語。求主也幫助我學習這樣的態度。
題目: 你對於耶穌醫治癱子的事件有什麼看法?
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草戊尚土 牧師,平安:
卯同學 敬上
Dear JBC,
回覆刪除Yeah, I didn't know the main purpose or motivation of Jesus in doing this. Was it to show mercy on the paraplegic? Was it to show mercy on the Pharisees? Or might be both? Or even to leave with us a precious spiritual lesson?
Dear Yuze,
I liked your comment on learning from the response of JBC. I would like each one of us to learn from one another. Then we would beome a Mattress Fellowship.
Dear Mou,
Great sharing of this Mattress Fellowship. But for me, the mattress was what we used to help us survive with our weakness. Mattress was not our weakness, but paraplegia was our weakness. Mattress was what we could find to help us continue to live with our weakness. Yet the paraplegic was so fortunate to have such friendship that they would dare to risk their security and pay financial price to bring him to the front of Jesus.