W3 2009-01-28 (撒上28:1-29:11)
經文: 撒母耳記上 28:6 掃羅求問耶和華,耶和華卻不藉夢,或烏陵,或先知回答他。
默想: 當掃羅不遵行耶和華所吩咐的事時,耶和華便拒絕和他溝通,向他啟示。求神保守我,不要在生活中不遵行你的命令,以致於斷絕與你之間的溝通。
題目: 你對於隱多珥交鬼婦人的故事有何感想呢?
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Saul had expelled the mediums and spiritists from the land. Yet, when he was terrified by the army of the Philistines, he turned to the witch of Endor because he did not receive any answer from God. God then revealed Saul’s miserable destiny through the medium of the witch.
回覆刪除This reminds me to reflect on whether I have fulfilled my responsibilities before I see the vision. God might turn away from me if I do not solely look up to Him but turn to other means of fortune telling, which is absolutely forbidden.
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
回覆刪除之前常聽兄姐說:『人的盡頭是 神的開始。』一直覺得這句話很美,但是今天經文看到的卻是一個曾被耶和華膏立的君王,當他走投無路的時候,他求問 神, 神卻不回答他。情急之下他違背 神也違背自己訂的律法,跑去找隱多珥交鬼婦人,問不到 神只好問死去的先知 撒母耳,結果答案卻仍是耶和華要讓他戰敗而亡。
我感覺在這裡『神的開始』是 神會去完成祂對每個人的不同計畫,但是結果並不是人想要的結果。
卯同學 敬上
Dear YiTing, Peng An,
回覆刪除King Saul was desparate to such a degree that he decided to do something against his previous order to get guidance from deceased Samuel. We should be careful when we became desparate to still cling to our Lord.
Dear JBC, Peng An,
Yeah, there were two interpretations about what actually happened at this incidence. Before we decided to accept either interpretation, we must be careful not to fall into the trap of circular logic. [ Your conclusion was just a restatement of your presumption]
OT would presume that all dead souls would be gathered into an interim place named sheol.
You might try to browse the following wikipedia on sheol,
Dear Mou, Peng An,
Yeah, I would concur with your notion that at our desparation we should ask God to help us making the correct choice...
Dear YuZe, Peng An,
Yeah, David committed sin against God, too. But he chose to cling to Yahweh, even facing God's judgment.