W2 2009-03-17 (路22:47-22:71)
經文: 路加福音 22:48 耶穌對他說:猶大!你用親嘴的暗號賣人子嗎?
默想: 親愛的主,不只猶大用親嘴來出賣你。我們也常常用我們的嘴講出讚美的話,但是,我們的行為與態度,卻是與我們的嘴所說的,大相逕庭。求主幫助我,能夠嘴裡所說的和手腳所做的,是一致的。
題目: 你對彼得當夜的經歷有何感想?
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Peter must have been restless when he was with Jesus in the house of the high priest. What surprised me is that they even sat down together. To disown one’s mater was as difficult as to repent of this wrongdoing. Probably it was Peter’s conscience that led him to reflect on himself. Weeping bitterly was just the beginning. He had to admit that he would falter once in a while. Yet, the failings of the weak will still be attended to by God. Thank God for giving me chances to learn from failure. May Him grant me more capabilities to do what He wishes me to do. Prayer in the name of Jesus!
回覆刪除草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
卯同學 敬上
Dear All, Peng An,
回覆刪除Peter must go through a very roller coaster experience that night. From the proud emphasis during the last supper that he would never deny Jesus, through his struggle whether to receive the footwashing from the Lord, to using a knife to cut off the ear of one servant, to being recognized by a maiden while taking some warmth surrounding a fire, to hearing the cock crowing and seeing the sad glance of Jesus......