W3 2009-03-18 (撒下11:14-12:31)
經文: 撒母耳記下 11:27
默想: 親愛的主,大衛王可以誤用你所賞賜給他的聰明,來設計出借刀殺人的計謀,以巧奪人妻,順遂己慾。但是,大衛王可以欺瞞地上眾人的眼光,卻無法躲避天上上帝的鑑察。求主叫我學習,常常活在你的面前,不敢任意妄為而得罪你。
題目: 你對於大衛犯了第七戒與第六戒,卻被上帝赦免,那個因姦成孕的小孩並沒做惡,卻遭遇死亡,有何感想呢?
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Though God took away David’s sin, he couldn’t be exempted from the consequences of his wrongdoing so his son had to die. Yet, David confessed, “I have sinned against the Lord.” (2Sa 12:13) Then God granted him a son, named “Jedidiah,” meaning “The Lord loves him.” David did not continue living in the sin, but turned to God.
回覆刪除The death of his first son born by Bathsheba was not the punishment for the baby himself but the judgment by God for David. God also left David a challenging task—to establish Israel. The death of the baby was probably a throbbing pain for David.
The consequences of a sin influence not only ourselves but also the ones we know or even our family. Thus, we cannot be more vigilant when Satan is attempting to attack us.
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
卯同學 敬上
Dear All, Peng An,
回覆刪除I could empathize your responses. But we must be very careful on such theological speculations.
What might be the feeling and response if we use such logic to comfort those who suffered from the tragic loss of their very young child?
Theoretically, death could be interpreted as the grace from God, but pragmatically, death was usually treated as punishment or desertion from God. Right?