W5 2009-03-27 (耶25:15-26:24)
經文: 耶利米書 26:3
默想: 親愛的主啊!你差遣僕人傳講公義審判的信息,目的不是為了要審判世界,而是要給世界一個悔改歸向祢的機會。就像當年你差遣約拿前往尼尼微城一樣。求主幫助我,在還有機會悔改歸向你時,知道把握這個機會來悔改。
題目: 先知奉神的命令,向百姓傳達大家不喜歡聽的警告與預言,常會遭到何種待遇?
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Any prophesy in the God’s name was unwelcome for the people who would not turn from their evil way. Prophets were even often threatened to death. After all, honest advice is always unpleasant to the ear. Short-sighted people fail to reflect on themselves and tend to ignore the warnings from God. Dear God, though the future is unforeseen to me, may You endow me with wisdom to tell right from wrong. Prayer in the name of Jesus!
Dear All,
回覆刪除My Windows XP seems failed from the last Friday. That caused I cannot reply the sharing of our daily bible reading. I will try to recover it as soon as possible.
Thanks for Fuchun's sharing. Prophet is just like the dog which can see the rambow. Yes, rambow is beautiful but cannot be belived for those colour-blind dogs. However, prophet is more like the dog always barks at midnight to tell everyone what is rambow. That makes nobody wants to know the rambow but only wants to kill this dog. I think maybe we also need to be very carefule to tell the truth for those unbelieved people.
Freshman Mao
Dear all, Peng An,
回覆刪除Great symbolic animal for the prophet, a color seeing dog, or a crow. Anyway, prophet always sees what other couldn't see, and their opinion often goes against the tides. Prophet was lonely and often pay high price for his prophecy.