W1 2009-04-06 (出24:1-25:22)
經文: 出埃及記 25:2
默想: 親愛的耶和華,你教導以色列人,當送禮物給耶和華,並且是甘心樂意的獻上,神才會收取。求主幫助我,有甘心樂意的心,將祢所賞賜給我的,一部份分別為聖,獻給祢,也願祢悅納我所獻上的。
題目: 耶和華與以色列人在西乃山立約時,舉行那些相關的儀式呢?
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Before the covenant was confirmed, Moses built an altar at the foot of the mountain and set up twelve stone pillars representing the twelve tribes of Israel. Burnt offerings and sacrificed young bulls were offered to the God. Half of the blood was put in the bowls, the other half sprinkled on the altar.
回覆刪除The blood shed from the bulls symbolizes the forgiveness of sins. Based on Ephesians (1:7), in Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace…
Half of the blood sprinkled on the altar means that sinners can come to God once again. The other half was on the Israelites, which enabled them to rebuild their relationship with God. By this sacrifice, God made perfect forever those who were being made holy (Heb 10:14).
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
血代表著生命,當 神要和人立約,祂是要來解決人在生命裡碰到的問題,更是要給人一個永恆的生命。
卯同學 敬上
出12:13 這血要在你們所住的房屋上作記號;我一見這血,就越過你們去。我擊殺埃及地頭生的時候,災殃必不臨到你們身上滅你們。
Dear All, Peng An,
回覆刪除According to the scripture, the seventy elders enjoyed a feast with Yahweh(Ex 24:11),the people offered a burnt offering and a peace offering (Ex 24:5), they set up twelve columns (Ex 24:4)and an altar,Moses read the content of the book of law to the people and the people commit to observe all the laws (Ex 24:7), Moses sprinkled half of the blood on the alter, another half on the people (Ex. 24:6-8)