W5 2009-06-12 (耶40:1-41:18)
經文: 耶利米書 40:16 亞希甘的兒子基大利對加利亞的兒子約哈難說:你不可行這事,你所論以實瑪利的話是假的。
默想: 主啊!約哈難好意提醒警告基大利,尼探雅之子以實瑪利將要謀殺他,可惜基大利卻無法相信約哈難的警告。最後真的被以實瑪利所謀殺。有時候,我們真的不知道如何判斷周遭的人對我們是真心或是假意。求主憐憫,讓我有好的辨別判斷能力。
題目: 你對於基大利被暗殺事件有何感想?
經文: 耶利米書 40:16 亞希甘的兒子基大利對加利亞的兒子約哈難說:你不可行這事,你所論以實瑪利的話是假的。
默想: 主啊!約哈難好意提醒警告基大利,尼探雅之子以實瑪利將要謀殺他,可惜基大利卻無法相信約哈難的警告。最後真的被以實瑪利所謀殺。有時候,我們真的不知道如何判斷周遭的人對我們是真心或是假意。求主憐憫,讓我有好的辨別判斷能力。
題目: 你對於基大利被暗殺事件有何感想?
Gedaliah, son of Ahikam, was appointed by the king of Babylon over the towns of Judah. He seemed to have been bathed in the joy of ruling the land and being in charge of the men, women, and children who were the poorest and who had not been carried into exiled to Babylon.
回覆刪除He was blinded by the power and sovereignty, not taking Johanan, son of Kareah and all the army officers’ warning seriously, was assassinated in the end. His story let us know that power itself could be a poison or an elixir. It does take wisdom and good judgment for a leader to make a good decision for himself and his people.
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
回覆刪除有時候我覺得我們這個靈修俱樂部好像在上 EMBA ,上帝放了很多案例探討(Case Study)在聖經裡面,然後要我們分析這樣的事件對我們去經營自己的人生有何收穫?有沒有可能改變將來的結果?
今天的案例中 約哈難 告訴 基大利 以實瑪利 將要謀殺他,剛上任省長的基大利可能還沈醉在新職務的喜悅而忽略了可能的危機,很多事情越是不可能發生卻越是會發生,但是要能辨別是非做出最好的決定,我覺得或許可以試著收集更多資訊或證據讓真相能更完整,也可以試著和更多人討論可能的決定,否則單單靠自己片面的想法可能還是會像基大利一樣,做出一個讓自己遺憾的決定吧。
卯同學 敬上
Dear all, Peng An,
回覆刪除Here we had the bible in our hands, and we could read the whole event from the beginning to the end. It seemed that we were put into the special privileged position of God who could see everything from the vantage point of eternity. So it seemed very easy for us to comment on the error of Gedaliah.... But if we were Gedaliah, what would we do?