W2 2009-06-23 (約13:1-14:15)
經文: 約翰福音 13:1 逾越節以前,耶穌知道自己離世歸父的時候到了。他既然愛世間屬自己的人,就愛他們到底。
默想: 主耶穌,當你知道你離世歸父的時候到了時,就決定要愛世間屬你的人到底。這是何等大的愛!你愛我們,甚至願意為我們捨命犧牲,且死在十字架上。主,我感謝您對我這愛到底的愛。
題目: 耶穌選擇在最後晚餐時來為學生洗腳,你認為他的目的何在?
經文: 約翰福音 13:1 逾越節以前,耶穌知道自己離世歸父的時候到了。他既然愛世間屬自己的人,就愛他們到底。
默想: 主耶穌,當你知道你離世歸父的時候到了時,就決定要愛世間屬你的人到底。這是何等大的愛!你愛我們,甚至願意為我們捨命犧牲,且死在十字架上。主,我感謝您對我這愛到底的愛。
題目: 耶穌選擇在最後晚餐時來為學生洗腳,你認為他的目的何在?
Jesus set a good example of being a good master by washing His disciples’ feet. “I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him” (Joh 13: 16). Even Jesus, the one with the Word, is willing to serve ordinary people. Am I willing to follow Him to honor God?
回覆刪除He also wants us to love one another. “… Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (13: 34-35).
“…faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1Co 13:13). May my faith in God be strengthened continuously. With the unconditional love from God, I should devote myself to being His loyal disciple as a revelation of the Word.
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
卯同學 敬上
On 4-9-09 Maundy Thursday, our church senior pastor washed our feet. While he was washing my feet, I felt as if Jesus was washing my feet. My tears rained down at that moment because I was deeply touched by Jesus' love for me. It would be great on wedding day, the bridegroom and the bride wash each other's feet, showing their commitment, willingness and love to each other. it would be an everlasting, life long precious memory.
回覆刪除Dear all, Peng An,
回覆刪除For me, washing foot conveying very rich theological and psychological and sociological meanings. God washed the foot of man. Teacher washed the foot of the students. In those days, only slaves would wash other's feet. Before washing the foot of others, the others must be willing to expose his dirty parts publically. What was the meaning of those dirts on the foot?