W5 2009-06-26 (耶44:1-45:5)
經文: 耶利米書 45:5 你為自己圖謀大事嗎?不要圖謀!
默想: 人為何想為自己圖謀大事呢?是為了替自己留名千古嗎?人是否能學習也為別人圖謀大事呢?人是否可能為耶和華圖謀大事呢?主耶穌教導我們,要先求神的國與義,我們一切所需用的,上帝都知道,而且也會供應。求主幫助我,能夠立志為主圖謀大事。
題目: 你對於先知耶利米與下埃及的猶太人之間的爭議有何感想呢?
經文: 耶利米書 45:5 你為自己圖謀大事嗎?不要圖謀!
默想: 人為何想為自己圖謀大事呢?是為了替自己留名千古嗎?人是否能學習也為別人圖謀大事呢?人是否可能為耶和華圖謀大事呢?主耶穌教導我們,要先求神的國與義,我們一切所需用的,上帝都知道,而且也會供應。求主幫助我,能夠立志為主圖謀大事。
題目: 你對於先知耶利米與下埃及的猶太人之間的爭議有何感想呢?
Chapter 44 described the last prophesy that Jeremiah conveyed to the Jews, who still did not learn from past experiences of failure (Jer 44: 9-10) and got stuck in the mistakes such as idolatry, which went against the Lord’s laws, decrees, or stipulations.
回覆刪除What drove Jeremiah to reminding them the disasters was probably because of the words from the Lord, “I will overthrow what I have built and uproot what I have planted, throughout the land. …but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life” (45:4-5).
When the Lord no longer endures the wicked actions and the detestable things, He will definitely exert justice. Meanwhile, the righteous will be under His wing.
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
卯同學 敬上
Dear all, Peng An,
回覆刪除When what you said was not accepted or respected, would you continue to say? Or would you just give up and let go?
Jeremiah the prophet carried on his ministry continuingly even after being rejected and persecuted...