W1 2009-06-29 (出38:1-38:31)
出埃及記 38:26 凡過去歸那些被數之人的,從二十歲以外,有六十萬零三千五百五十人。按聖所的平,每人出銀半舍客勒,就是一比加。
默想: 主耶和華啊!以色列人在建造會幕時,似乎採取兩種奉獻的方法,有關奉獻金子,似乎是採取自由奉獻的方法,但是有關銀子的奉獻,好像是採取會幕稅的方法,以二十歲以上的男子,每人獻半舍客勒來徵收。相信這半舍客勒銀子是大家都能夠負擔的奉獻。教會的奉獻似乎也有十一奉獻與自由奉獻兩種方法。
題目: 你對於以色列人建會幕,採自由奉獻來奉獻金子,採人頭均攤來奉獻銀子的方法有何意感想呢?
God emphasizes more on the attitude than on the offering. Thus, God looked with favor on Abel and his offering (Ge 4:4), providing him with the burnt offering he needed (22:12-14). God stresses more on the proportion of offering than on the amount of offering. For example, the five offerings are determined by whether one is rich or poor (Le 1:3, 10, 14; 3; 1, 6).
回覆刪除In building the tabernacle, one contributed gold at his/her will since it is more valuable than silver. Regarding silver, more affordable to common people, could be obtained from the community counted in the census. It seems that this principle goes well with God’s.
草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:
卯同學 敬上
Dear All, Peng An,
回覆刪除So it seemed that there were two kinds of offerings involved in tabernacle building. The first was a duty offering, which would be shared by all. The second was a voluntary offering, which would be a free will offering for those who were financially capable and also be willing.
In our church reconstruction project, we also tried to set up two kinds of offering. One was huge amount once for all offereing. The second was tiny amount but longterm offering. Personally I liked to encourage all to participate in the second kind of offering, which I would call it "an army of ants offering" 螞蟻雄兵奉獻法 While each one would just offer a tiny amount, like an ant could only carry that pity small amount, but every ant could contribute. And since all could afford it without seriously impacting our daily financial lives, thus we could all affordable to join this kind of offering for longterm, until the church had paid off all mortgages.