2009年6月28日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 090702

W4 2009-07-02 (詩74:1-75:10)

經文: 詩篇 74:1



4 則留言:

  1. While waiting for God’s intervention, we tend to be impatient (Ps 74: 10-18). But chapter 75 tells us that God would choose the appointed time and judge uprightly. The arrogant and the wicked all have to drink the foaming wine mixed with spices to its very dregs (Ps 75: 8).

    Now that it is God who determines whom to exalt, we should pray to God to make us the righteous. It’s because in the end the horns of all the wicked will be cut off while those of the righteous will be lifted up (Ps 75: 10).

    We need to persevere so that when we have done the will of God, we will receive what He has promised (Heb 10:36).

  2. 草戊尚土 牧師和各位俱樂部的兄姐,平安:





    卯同學 敬上

  3. 大家平安

    "聖所中一切雕刻的,他們現在用斧子錘子打壞了。他們用火焚燒你的聖所,褻瀆你名的居所,拆毀到地。"74:6-7 "我們不見我們的標幟,不再有先知;我們內中也沒有人知道這災禍要到幾時呢!"74:9




  4. Dear all, Peng An,
    Psalm 75 starts with a praise to God for His wonderful actions. Then God seemed to respond to such praise with a confirmation of His predestined judgment time. Then the poet turned to warn those who was proud and evil, not to continue in their behavioral patterns. Because on final judgment day, the judgment would be like a cup of wine that all who was proud or evil would have to drink it up to the last drop. But the poet would like to praise the ?God of righteous judgment. God seemed to respond with a conclusion that He would cut off the horn of the evil one, but to raise the horn of the righteous. This psalm looked like an intimate dialogue or chat between the poet and God.


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