2010年8月29日 星期日

三年讀經默想與題目 (草戊尚土) 100903

Jacob Prevailed with Tears

W5  2010-09-03 (何11:1-12:14)

經文: 何西阿書 12:4 與天使較力,並且得勝,哭泣懇求,在伯特利遇見耶和華。

默想: 雅各的屬靈生命,有兩個很重要的轉捩點。一個是在他逃離哥哥追殺時,在路斯半夜夢中,看見天梯,得到耶和華的應許,成為他生命中的伯特利。另一個是當他逃離他的母舅,也是岳父拉班,攜家帶眷要返回故鄉時,到了雅博渡口,雖然有上帝保護的應許,雅各對於多年前與哥哥以掃之間的齟齬,還是心存恐懼,想要依靠自己的聰明與能力來應付。沒有想到上帝派遣天使,在半夜來與雅各摔跤,直到天將亮時,摸了雅各最強壯的大腿窩,讓雅各瘸了腿。雅各的生命至此,只能哭泣懇求,用雙手抓住天使,完全依靠仰望耶和華的恩典。至此,雅各的生命完全被翻轉,成為完全依靠上帝的尊貴王子,以色列。求上帝也來轉變我的生命,讓我也學習完全依靠仰望耶和華的恩典,不要依靠自己的小聰明。


3 則留言:

  1. Some verses described how Jacob wrestled with a man or an angel (Ho12:4; Ge 32:24-25). “Wrestling” implies that it is a tough struggle. To wrestle successfully with Satan, we must wrestle with God in irresistible prayers like Jacob.

    Besides, Jacob wept and made supplication so prayers and tears were his weapons. The angel seemed to sympathize with the distress of God’s children, who are encouraged to meet the trials to which they are subjected. The victory in wrestling might be an emblem of true faith and earnest prayer.

  2. 大家平安





  3. Dear All, Peng An,

    To fight with God is a turnpoint of people's life. It is also the time to have the most close relationship with God. You have to hold HIM untill you understand HE is God. However, it is not easy to keep holding for the sake of negative mind. May Lord give me such power to hold YOU in the dark night till the firth light of morning.



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